If Children Suffer when Mothers Work, Do They Work Less?


This paper studies a new determinant of female employment in the context of developing countries. Using data from sub-Saharan regions, it advances that maternal job-taking varies with the mortality risk premium it poses to children. Reductions in maternal employment are sizeable and reach 5.6 percentage points among affluent families in more developed areas. We do not find such evidence among poor households, suggesting financial constraints may impede trading off maternal income against children safety. The effect we document applies only to families with under-five infants. We introduce a theoretical model rationalising our findings. It also generates a Ushaped relationship between economic prosperity and female employment.

14 Sep, 2018 11:00 AM — 11:45 AM
Lyon Convention Center
50, Quai Charles de Gaulle, Lyon, Rhône-Alps 69006
Èric Roca Fernández
Èric Roca Fernández
Assistant Professor

My research interests include comparative development, economic history and gender economics.